(NEW) Contoh Soal PPPK / P3K Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP / SMA Terbaru 2022 - 2023

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Contoh Soal PPPK / P3K Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP / SMA Terbaru 2022

Soal P3K Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP / SMA Terbaru 2022

Kabar bahagia menyelimuti para guru-guru honorer di negeri penuh misteri ini, hehehe, rekrutmen guru PPK atau PPPK telah dibuka (kenapa ga CPNS ya?)hehe, namun ga apa-apa meskipun demikian adanya kita patut bersyukur pemerintah melalui menpan telah mencoba mensejahterakan guru honorer yang jumlahnya jutaan di negri kita ini melalui penerimaan PPPK

dan tak lepas dari pantauan, bahwa formasi untuk guru bahasa Inggris juga telah dibuka, banyak yang dibutuhkannya, maka ini peluang yang sangat langka dan jangan anda sia-siakan begitu saja, anda harus berusaha dan berikhtiar semaksimal mungkin agar nantinya tidak menyesal (tidak lolos)

Materi Soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP / SMA Terbaru 2022 - 2023

Salah satunya anda harus belajar dan belajar baik offline maupun online, gunakan waktu yang masih tersisa, dan materi yang keluar biasanya tentang aturan dalam PPPK dan tentunya kemampuan bidang, bidang keguruan juga diprediksi kuat akan keluar

Untuk dapat belajar bidang keguruan maka anda dapat masuk pada link berikut ini:

Contoh Soal PPPK / P3K Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP / SMA Terbaru 2022 2023

Dan untuk bidang mapel juga akan keluar meskipun tidak banyak, dan kita juga telah siapkan contoh atau bentuk soalnya, yaitu:

1.Fita : What time will we leave?Wanda : If you get up early, we … Fita : Okay, I’ll set my alarm.

a)Will leave at down

b)Won’t leave at down

c)Would leave at down

d)Would have left at down


2.Zoe : Mathematic is very difficult. don't you think so?Rani : ... I find it quite interesting. but for English subject, I must work harder.

a)I completely agree with you

b)I don't think you're serious

c)I have a different opinion

d)I think the same way


3.A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia. It has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and in New Guinea.

Kangaroos eat grass and plants.They have short front legs, but very long and strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour.

The largest kangaroos are the Great grey kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adult grows to a length of 1.60 meters and weighs over 90 kilos.

Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.

We know from the text that kangaroo ....

a)Is smaller in size to human

b)Is an omnivorous animal

c)Has habitat in Tasmania

d)Can be called Wallaby in New Guinea

e)Has another name called Wallaby 29.


4.Rahma : I’m leaving for Bandung tonight and I can’t pick you up tomorrow as usual. . . . . .Zahida : Don’t worry. I will take bus.

a)Can you pick me up tomorrow?

b)How do you get to work tomorrow?

c)When are you leaving for Bandung?

d)What will you do at work tomorrow?


5.Vinny : Excuse me, I’d like to ... my reservation? Cassey : Yes, sir. Your name, please


6.Fitri : The French homework is really hard. I don’t feel like to do it.Rahmat : … to help you?Fitri : It sounds great. Thanks, Rahmat!

Which of the following offering expressions best fill the blank?

a)Do you mind if I


b)Would you like me

c)Shall I

d)Can Ie)I will


7.reaking and Entering is an unusual film. Will and Sandy are two architects working on a major urban renewal project in the King's Cross section in London. The area is unsafe and ready for such a project. Will and Sandy move their offices into a nearby vacant warehouse.

Will has to deal with constant burglaries at his new office. One night, he saw Miro trying to break into the building. He chased Miro to his run down apartment block and watched him return home to his mother, Amira, a Bosnian immigrant who makes a living tailoring clothes. Soon, Will 'meet' Amira and they begin an affair. And Amira learns that Will holds the key of her son's future. How far will this mother go to protect her son? Breaking and Entering is a very interesting film, it is almost entirely character driven. Tis is not a bad thing although in the film we are exposed to a story or action driven.

Anthony Minghella, the director, creates some of the most believable, interesting characters these actors have ever played. It is almost painful to watch them on their journey. Each of the characters makes decisions affecting how their lives will play out, or change and these decisions and actions affect the story. The characters aren't reacting to the story. They are changing it.

The text is mainly about ........

a)A review of a new film, Breaking and Entering

b)The process in making the new film, Breaking and Entering

c)An amusing story dealing with experience in different ways

d)An account of an unusual or amusing incident retold by the filme)The description how the film is accomplished through a series of steps


8.Dian : The cake is scrumptious! I love it.Joni : … another piece?Dian : Thank you. You should tell me the recipe.Joni : I will.Which of the following offering expressions best fill the blank?

a)Do you mind if you have

b)Would you like

c)Shall you haved)Can I have you

e)I will bring you


9.What is the picture describing?

a)The students are arguing with their lecturer.

b)The students are listening to their lecturer.

c)The students are watching their preacher.

d)The teacher is angry with their students.

e)The students detest the preacher.


10.Breaking and Entering is an unusual film. Will and Sandy are two architects working on a major urban renewal project in the King's Cross section in London. The area is unsafe and ready for such a project. Will and Sandy move their offices into a nearby vacant warehouse.Will has to deal with constant burglaries at his new office. One night, he saw Miro trying to break into the building. He chased Miro to his run down apartment block and watched him return home to his mother, Amira, a Bosnian immigrant who makes a living tailoring clothes. Soon, Will 'meet' Amira and they begin an affair. And Amira learns that Will holds the key of her son's future. How far will this mother go to protect her son? Breaking and Entering is a very interesting film, it is almost entirely character driven. Tis is not a bad thing although in the film we are exposed to a story or action driven.

Anthony Minghella, the director, creates some of the most believable, interesting characters these actors have ever played. It is almost painful to watch them on their journey. Each of the characters makes decisions affecting how their lives will play out, or change and these decisions and actions affect the story. The characters aren't reacting to the story. They are changing it.

"Will and Sandy move their offices into a nearby vacant warehouse." (Paragraph 1)The antonym of the underlined word is ........








1. a

2. c

3. d

4. b

5. d

6. b

7. a

8. b

9. b

10. b

LINK: Contoh Soal PPPK / P3K Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP / SMA Terbaru 2022

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